About REL Acoustics

REL makes powered subwoofer speakers for stereo & home theater systems. From its inception over 10 years ago, REL has been committed to the pursuit of one thing, the reproduction of perfect deep bass. It is an obsession unique in the world of sound reproduction and it has brought awards and accolades from around the world.
Understanding REL’s success comes from a deeper understanding of how a subwoofer should perform. Restoring foundational sub-bass underneath an existing speaker is a difficult thing indeed. REL's approach, using their patented ABC crossovers, provides for perfect integration, allowing the audio professional to tune in tiny increments where the subwoofer mates to the main speakers. The result? Perfect integration with any speaker system. Any system’s ‘voice’ -that is, the sonic summation of all the disparate components leading up to the final sound - is unique and reflects the signature of each preamp/processor, the interconnecting cables, and the power amplifier’s sound. Unique among subwoofer designers, Richard E. Lord (the R.E.L. of REL) understands this and his input circuitry requires the use of a unique high-level cable that allows for the full system’s voice to be built forward into the final sound, joining with a REL for perfect system integration. Any design, no matter how brilliant, is only as good as the components used to realize it. Richard Lord's obsession extends to using components that go beyond industry standards and indeed finds its origins in his prior experience in the British Royal Navy. This ‘mil spec’ approach to subwoofer construction results in designs that are easily understood - just try picking one up! However, the REL approach employs far more than simply brute force. Each component is hand-selected for maximum sound quality and durability. REL uses specially commissioned toroidal power transformers and over-specified resistors and capacitors. The power output devices are massively overrated units, each one capable of flowing 250 watts of power, most of it in the form of high current. The Strata III, rated at a mere 100 watts, uses two of these devices in parallel. REL uses only power MOSFETS because of their inherent ability to thermally stabilize (unlike a bipolar transistor that can thermally ‘run away’ with itself). The built-in power protection devices are designed to withstand up to 3000 volts of energy. In a word, RELs are overbuilt.Testing, as you may surmise from the above, is simply incredible. While each individual part is tested prior to construction, final testing represents some of the most brutal power ‘soak testing’ ever devised. Each unit is run at part throttle for hours in order to obtain test behavior relevant to the real world. Then it is subjected to a ‘crowbar’ test. Each unit has the incoming line voltage run up to the equivalent of 150 volts (110 volts is common). At this point, most amplifiers would simply self-destruct on the spot. However, Richard is not through yet! At that voltage, the units are brought up to maximum rated output, where they are then subjected to a direct short circuit. That's right, at 150 volts in and max power, the amplifiers must play into a dead short. Only after they pass this final test are they allowed to be inserted into a cabinet and obtain final certification.